Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies
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Workshop: „Utopia“ 13. and 14. February 2014, Bayreuth Academy
Workshop: „Utopia“ 13. and 14. February 2014, Bayreuth Academy
The workshop hosted by subproject 5 "Revolution 3.0" deals with the question of ‚utopia‘ in theory and praxis. As hosts of the workshop we aim to discuss the different understandings meanings of the term in general, but also regarding our project. We started off with the term in the title of our research. Now, after some month of work, we try to look at it from a distance again, asking: How relevant and fruitful have our terms been so far? In order not to be focused on the own framework of research interest too much, we invite you to support us with your thought and ideas on ‚utopia‘. More