
Manape Precious Shogole: Guest of the Bayreuth Academy from 9-19 November 2016

Manape Shogole will be in Bayreuth, working with us from November 9th till 19th, 2016. Two things will be in the focus of her stay: With Dr. Katharina Fink she'll discuss issues around fashion, the entangling of temporal concepts, as well as the impact of style and performance on inner city spaces in Johannesburg, South Africa.

BA guest_Shogole

Furthermore, as Manape Shogole being a poet and a host of spoken word scene in Johannesburg as well, she will contribute to the literary scene in Bavaria, acting as the Academy's annual 'City Writer' of 2016. With her attentive eye for questions around feminism, exclusive mechanisms of contemporary society's and the time-traveling capacity of literature, she will work on the poetic estate of a local poet, Hilde Marx, who was forced to go into exile to the US in the 1930s, after being persecuted by the National Socialist regime. Together with Dr. Katharina Fink, Manape Shogole will 'update' the topics of Hilde Marx for a contemporary audience.

Manape Shogole holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Witwatersrand. She graduated with a triple major in Anthropology, Geography and International Relations (2015). Additionally, her training is in marketing and advertising. Currently, she's finishing her Anthropology honours programme (2016) under the scope of South Africa’s socio-economic issues. The title of her research report is “Thrift Shopping and the construction of personhood.”. It deals with self-styling, body represention , fashion and the creation of self using second-hand clothes from the street markets in the Johannesburg CBD. Shogole teaches in the Anthropology department, working with first years students on topics related to ‘decolonialisation’ and ‘everyday resistence’.

Contact Manape:
Programme in Bayreuth:

Conference "Future Africa and Beyond - Review and Outlook"

(16.06. 2016 - 17.06.2016, Iwalewahaus)

Conference June 2016

’Future Africa and Beyond’- Review and Outlook
Conference after the first four years of the Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies

Towards the end of its first funding period, the Bayreuth Academy convenes an international Conference to review its general project “Future Africa and Beyond: Visions in Time”.

The sessions will be open also for all other interested members and guests of Bayreuth University. To facilitate our organization, please register before June, 15th with

More information about the conference

Please find the programme here


Abschlusskonferenz 10 Abschlusskonferenz 12

Abschlusskonferenz 11

Abschlusskonferenz 13 Abschlusskonferenz 15 Abschlusskonferenz 14
Abschlusskonferenz 17 Abschlusskonferenz 19 Abschlusskonferenz 2
Abschlusskonferenz 20 Abschlusskonferenz 3 Abschlusskonferenz 9


“Future Africa and Beyond” Lecture Series in Winter 2015/16

News_WS2014.2015_Lecture series Vol. I Beginning on December 10th the Bayreuth Academy once again hosts a number of international and distinguished guests who address a broader public. More

Please find the program here as PDF


Geschichte(n) der Zukunft: außereuropäische Herausforderungen

aag From 9.-11. October 2015 the conference  „Geschichte(n) der Zukunft: außereuropäische Herausforderungen“ took place at the University of Bayreuth. It is organized by the "Arbeitskreis Außereuropäische Geschichte (AAG)" of the "Verband der Historiker und Historikerinnen Deutschlands (VHD)" in cooperation with the Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies (University of Bayreuth). Please find more Information here.


“Future Africa and Beyond” Lecture Series in Summer 2015

News_WS2014.2015_Lecture series Vol. I On 7th May, the Bayeuth Academy’s Lecture Series on “Future Africa and Beyond” has started its next round. After its beginnings last winter, it reached its climax during summer 2015, with a remarkable concentration of presentations by distinguished scholars from a variety of disciplines and locations around the world. More

Please find the program here as PDF


Moses Serubiri, the new City Writer in Bayreuth

City Writer_Moses Serubiri Welcome to this year’s City Writer in Bayreuth! During May and June 2015, Moses Serubiri (Uganda) will live in Bayreuth and take a closer look at the city. Invited jointly by the Bayreuth Academy, the University and the City, he will write and publish about new perspectives, new stories, unheard-of fictions, and necessary comments arising from his encounters. His visions on the life and the future of Bayreuth will offer a remarkable reversal of perspective in a place in which so much is written and discussed about Africa and its futures. More

A conference on “Catastrophe or catalyst? African and African Diasporas’ visions arising from World War One”,  was convened by Sub-project 1 “Narratives of the Future in History” at the Bayreuth Academy from Oct. 2nd to 4th 2014

Conference Catastrophe or Catalyst_Gruppenfoto

The conference drew attention to non-European dimensions of the war that are hardly attended to during the current commemorations of its centenary: the experiences of violence and sacrifice, but also of mobilisation, connectedness and unfulfilled promise that the involvement of Africa and its diasporas in this war meant for them. The focus was on the extent to which these experiences became catalysts of new ideas, demands and struggles for political, economic and social change; of the emergence of new political, social and religious movements; and of radically altered visions of Africa’s future. For details see this review.
Participants of the conference



Bayreuth Academy staff & guests during the working group on the 16.01.2014

BA Members and Guests


Picture taken during the retreat of the Bayreuth Academy on 25th of October 2013.




On the 15th of October 2013, our member of the advisory board, Dr. Auma Obama, visited the Academy. The staff members had the opportunity to present and discuss their research projects within the Bayreuth Academy.

Auma Obama Visit 1

Auma Obama Visit 2

Academic Events and Panels:

Workshop „Changing Futures through Time“ im Rahmen der Arbeitsgruppe A der Bayreuth Academy, 16./17. Jan. 2014. Details hier

Arbeitsgruppe B der Bayreuth Academy, “Multiple Futures through Time”, Nov. 2013 bis Januar 2014 (Org. Teilprojekt 1 Geschichte(n) der Zukunft), Details hier

Workshop „Sharing/Dividing Futures“ im Rahmen der Arbeitsgruppe A der Bayreuth Academy, 12./13. Dez. 2013. Details hier

Workshop „Future“ im Rahmen der Arbeitsgruppe A der Bayreuth Academy, 9./10. Juli 2013.

Internationale Eröffnungskonferenz der Bayreuth Academy „Conceptualising Future. Current Debates in Regional and Systematic Research“, im Rahmen der Arbeitsgruppe A, Bayreuth, 4.-7. Juli 2013 (Org. Prof. Dr. Susan Arndt, Prof. Dr. Achim von Oppen). Details hier

Öffentliche Ringvorlesung "Diasporen in Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft". Universität Bayreuth, Profillinie Diasporen im Emerging Field Kulturbegegnungen und transkulturelle Prozesse, Sommersemester 2013. (Profillinie an der Universität Bayreuth in Kooperation mit BIFAS, Bayreuth Academy u.a.: S. Lachenicht, U. Fendler unter Mitarbeit von U. Bauer und P. Piesche)

Arbeitsgruppe A der Bayreuth Academy, „Conceptualising Future. Current Debates in Regional and Systematic Research“, Mai bis Juli 2013 (Org. Susan Arndt, Achim von Oppen) Details hier

Workshop „Time“ im Rahmen der Arbeitsgruppe A der Bayreuth Academy, 10./11. Juni 2013.

Eröffnungsveranstaltung: „Future Africa – Visions in Time“. Universität Bayreuth (03.12. 2012), (Organisator_Innen: Prof. Dr. Susan Arndt, Prof. Dr. Achim von Oppen).

Reflexions on the name and logo of the Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies by Prof. Dr. Susan Arndt and Prof. Dr. Achim von Oppen

Logo_Nur Text
"What’s in a name?" Welcoming Speech by  Prof. Dr. Susan Arndt 
during the conference:

'Conceptualising, Future' -
Current Debates in Regional and Systematic Research
from 4th - 6th of July 2013
Logo_Nur graphik
Reflexions on the Logo 
of the Bayreuth Academy by Prof. Dr. Achim von Oppen
on the occasion of the Opening-Ceremony at the University of Bayreuth
on the 3 december 2012