Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies / Academy / • Archiv / 2016 / Conference - Future Africa and Beyond Bayreuth, June 16th-17th, 2016

Konferenz "Future Africa and Beyond - Review and Outlook"

16.06. 2016 - 17.06.2016 im Iwalewahaus

Conference June 2016

’Future Africa and Beyond’- Review and Outlook
Conference after the first four years of the Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies

Towards the end of its first funding period, the Bayreuth Academy convenes an international Conference to review its general project “Future Africa and Beyond: Visions in Time”.

The sessions will be open also for all other interested members and guests of Bayreuth University. To facilitate our organization, please register before June, 15th with

Hier finden Sie das Programm

The aim of the Conference is twofold. Firstly, it will assess the results achieved so far, after almost four years of the Bay-reuth Academy’s existence; and secondly, it will embark on an outlook into its own future: the winding-up of its current project and its transition towards a permanent role in African Studies and Bayreuth University at large. Participants of the conference will be the members of the Bayreuth Academy it-self, their current guest Fellows in the context of Working Group G „Future(s) as societal project(s) – actors and their visions in Africa and beyond”; invited guests from inside and outside Bayreuth University; and representatives of Academy Advisory Board and of Partner Projects of the Bayreuth Academy.

The Conference comprises three types of sessions: Opening Keynotes on the performance of the project as a whole; five Panels to review research results in more detail, with papers addressing the general project theme through the lens of the five Sub-projects and their Working Groups; and three Roundtable Discussions, with short statements opening up prospects for the years to come, notably further fields to be explored, the importance of the project for critical area stud-ies, and the future role of Bayreuth Academy in its University. In line with the specific features of the Bayreuth Academy’s profile, each session aims at bringing into dialogue a variety of different disciplines; Africa-related and other fields of ex-pertise; members with guests, both local and international; and senior with postdoctoral scholars.