2019 (coming soon)

Annalisa Book

Annalisa Urbano, Antonio Varsori: "Mogadiscio 1948 - Un eccidio di italiani fra decolonizzazione e guerra fredda"

Gunkel, Henriette, kara lynch (eds.): "We Travel the Space Ways Black Imagination, Fragments, and Diffractions"


Lachenicht, Susanne: "How the Americas Came to Be Known as "the Americas". A Historical Approach to the Western Hemisphere". In: Volker Depkat, Heike Paul and Britta Waldschmidt-Nelson (Hrsg.), Cultural Mobility and Knowledge Formation in the Americas, Heidelberg: (Im Erscheinen)

Fink, Katharina; Kohl, Marie-Anne; Siegert, Nadine: Ghosts, specters, revenants. Hauntology as a means to think and feel future.


Find further information here.



Lachenicht, Susanne: "The TransAtlantic reconsidered - The Atlantic world in crisis"

Edited by Charlotte A. Lerg, Susanne Lachenicht and Michael Kimmage


Lachenicht, Susanne: "Learning from Past Displacements? The History of Migrations between Historical Specificity,Presentism and Fractured Continuities". In: Humanities 7/36. (2018)

Link zur Publikation

Lachenicht, Susanne: "The Summer Academy of Atlantic History (SAAH)". In: The Yearbook of Transnational History 1 (2018), S. 245-252.

Lachenicht, Susanne: "Transregions from Early Colonization to post-Cold War: Multiple Atlantics". In: Matthias Middell (Hrsg.), Handbook of Transregional Studies, London: Routledge.

Link zur Publikation

Stoll, Florian: "The City and Its Ways of Life: Local Influences on Middle-Income Milieus in Nairobi". In: International Development Policy 10.

You can find the full issue here and read the article here.

Attia, Iman / Popal, Mariam: BeDeutungen dekolonisieren. Spuren von (antimuslimischem) Rassismus.


Find more details about the publication here.

Azarian, Viviane / Fendler, Ute / Mbaye, Aminata C. (eds.): L’Archéologie du Futur: Cinémas Africains et Utopies / Archeology of the Future: African Cinemas and Utopias.


Find more information here.

Alber, Erdmute; Coe, Cati: Age-Inscriptions and Social Change. Anthropology & Aging, Vol. 39/1.


You can download the articles of the issue here.

Bianchini, Pascal- Working Paper - From anti-colonialism to anti-imperialism: The pivotal role of the Union générale des étudiants ouest-africains (UGEAO) in Dakar (1956-1964)

Find the full publication here

Fendler, Ute, "Narrating Mozambique: Recent feature films".

Erschienen in Third Text Africa, Vol. 5: "Mozambique".
Den Aufsatz finden Sie hier.

Kroeker, Lena; O'Kane, David; Scharrer, Tabea (Hrsg.), Middle Classes in Africa: Changing Lives and Conceptual Challenges. Frontiers of

Kroeker Foto



Fendler, Ute; Vatter, Christoph (Hrsg.), Dynamiques culturelles dans les cinémas africains du XXIe siècle.


Hauhs, Michael; Trancón y Widemann, Baltasar; Klute, Georg, Bridging Disciplinary Gaps in Studies of Human-Environment Relations: A Modelling Framework.

Mtata, Kupakwashe, Descola’s Model Of Religion and Nature Examined

Kläger, Florian, “The Earthward Gaze and Self-reflexivity in Anglophone Novels of the 1970s”

Kläger, Florian, “The Earthward Gaze and Self-reflexivity in Anglophone Novels of the 1970s”, in: Alexander C.T. Geppert (Hrsg.), Limiting Outer Space: Astroculture after Apollo, Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018

  Kläger Bild


Stoll, Florian: Living today or saving for tomorrow? Perspectives of the Future among ‘middle-class’ milieus in Nairobi

This article examines how looking at perspectives of the Future contributes to distinguishing milieus in the “middle-classes” of urban Kenya. The rise of millions of Africans out of poverty since 2000 has triggered a debate on the so-called “African middle-classes”. This debate, however, has to date not yet addressed the specifics and differences of particular subdivisions of this middle-income-group that would help to understand what is significant beyond their similar financial situation. In response to this gap, this text examines how particular views on Future contribute to distinguishing social milieus, i.e. sociocultural groups with different conducts of life. By examining empirical data for the Neo-Traditional milieu and the Social Climbers – milieus established through empirical data from fieldwork in Kenya for the Project “Middle-Classes on the Rise” – I examine how sociocultural aspects that are crucial for members of a specific milieu also affect their perspectives on the Future. I will show that these perspectives arise from a distinguishable approach to values, patterns of consumption, and in Kenya – as well as in many other African contexts – features like ethnicity, urban-rural ties, forms of religious affiliation or the relationship to the extended family.

Link to publication 

Urbano, Annalisa: A "Grandiose Future for Italian Somalia": Colonial Developmentalist Discourse, Agricultural Planning, and Forced Labor (1900 - 1940)

This article explores the evolution of a developmentalist discourse for colonial Somalia and the attempts of the colonial government to present agricultural plans and labor policies as efforts to bring about social and economic development for colonial subjects and profit for colonial investors. In the long term, these efforts provided both a justification and a scope for the colonial venture. Fostering intensive farming and commercial agriculture, development planning institutionalized forced labor, disrupted the local production of foodstuff, and made the colony dependent on foreign imports.

Link to full publication here.

Alber, Erdmute: Transfers of Belonging. Child Fostering in West Africa in the 20th Century.

In Transfers of Belonging, Erdmute Alber traces the history of child fostering in northern Benin from the pre-colonial past to the present by pointing out the embeddedness of child foster practices and norms in a wider political process of change. She demonstrates that child fostering was, for a long time, not just one way of raising children, but was seen as the appropriate way of doing so. This changed profoundly with the arrival of European ideas about birth parents being the ‘right’ parents, but also with the introduction of schooling and the differentiation of life chances. Besides providing deep historical and ethnographical insights, Transfers of Belonging provides a new theoretical and conceptual frame for social parenting.

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(Erscheint März 2018)


Alber, Erdmute; Thelen, Tatjana: Reconnecting State and Kinship.

Reconnecting State and Kinship seeks to overcome the traditional dichotomy between state and kinship, asking whether concepts associated with one sphere surface in the other, tracking the evolution of these concepts through time and space, and exploring how this binary is reinforced within the social sciences.

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Babou, Cheikh A.; Ndong, Louis; Otundo, Billian K.; Oyali, Uchenna; Seye, Mbaye: Perspectives on translation studies in Africa. Bayreuth African Studies Working Papers, Vol. 17 (2017).


Download here.

Kroeker, Lena; Voigt, Maike: Themenfelder sozioanthropologischer Mittelschichtsforschung: Eine Vorstellung Bayreuther Projekte. Bayreuth African Studies Working Papers, Vol. 16 (2017).


Download here.

Susan Arndt & Nadja Ofuatey-Alazard (Hrsg.), Journal of the African Literature Association Volume 11, 2017 - Issue 1: African Futures and Beyond. Visions in Transition


Mehr Informationen hier.

Kroeker, Lena (with Hänsch, Valerie & Oldenburg, Silke), Special Issue: Ungewisse Zukünfte, Futurs Incertains, Tsantsa - Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Ethnologischen Gesellschaft, 22/2017.


Die sechs in dieser Ausgabe versammelten ethnografischen Studien fokussieren unterschiedliche ungewisse Zustände in Uganda, Gabon, Sierra Leone, Deutschland und der Schweiz. Zudem werden sechs Beiträge von Wissenschaftler_innen präsentiert und kommentiert, welche die prominente Rolle der Zukunft – als soziale Wahrnehmung von Zeit und Zeitlichkeit im Umgang mit Ungewissheit – beleuchten. Die empirischen Studien in dieser Ausgabe thematisieren Fragestellungen im medizinischen Bereich, untersuchen prekäre ökonomische Umstände, den Umgang mit natürlichen Ressourcen sowie den Mangel an persönlicher Freiheit in bestimmten Situationen.

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BIGSAS-Workshop (Ed.), Tracks and Traces of Violence. Representation and Memorialisation of Violence in Africa in Art, Literature and Anthropology.

This volume brings together academic texts as well as literary and artistic perspectives on violence – as a topic, as a traumatizing energy, as a discursive strategy, and as an inevitable part of human and socio-political life. Taking cue from a conference at the Bayreuth International Graduate School of African Studies by the same title, its texts depart from diverse disciplinary perspectives to explore the social conditions, political contexts, and cultural spaces of violence in Africa.
This book comprises a number of compelling accounts that
underpin the visible and hidden “tracks and traces” of violence in the memories of traumatised individuals and groups. Besides, it also interrogates the gaps, silences and vacuities of/in these memories and the role they play in shaping the facial contours of our modern societies. By weaving together views from literature, anthropology, art, cultural studies and museum studies, this book caters for students and researchers eager to gain deeper insight into the meanings of violent socialities, spatialities and temporalities, as well as into how they materialise in poetry, fiction, art and popular culture.

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Tracks and Traces of Violence


Lachenicht, Susanne / Freist, Dagmar (Hrsg.), Connecting Worlds and People. Early Modern Diasporas.

In recent decades historians have emphasized just how dynamic and varied early modern Europe was. Previously held notions of monolithic and static societies have now been replaced with a model in which new ideas, different cultures and communities jostle for attention and influence. Building upon the concept of interaction, the essays in this volume develop and explore the idea with specific reference to the ways in which diasporas could act as translocal societies, connecting worlds and peoples that may not otherwise have been linked. The volume looks at the ways in which diasporas or diasporic groups, such as the Herrnhuters, the Huguenots, the Quakers, Jews, the Mennonites, the Moriscos and others, could function as intermediaries to connect otherwise separated communities and societies. All contributors analyse the respective groups’ internal and external networks, social relations and the settings of social interactions, looking at the entangled networks of diaspora communities and their effects upon the societies and regions they linked through those networks. The collection takes a fresh look at early modern diasporas, combining religious, cultural, social and economic history to better understand how early modern communication patterns and markets evolved, how consumption patterns changed and what this meant for social, economic and cultural change, how this impacted on what we understand as early developments towards globalization, and how early developments towards globalization, in turn, were constitutive of these.

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Connecting Worlds and people

Bayer, Gerd / Kläger, Florian (Hrsg.), Early Modern Constructions of Europe. Literature, Culture, History.

Between the medieval conception of Christendom and the political visions of modernity, ideas of Europe underwent a transformative and catalytic period that saw a cultural process of renewed self-definition or self-Europeanization. The contributors to this volume address this process, analyzing how Europe was imagined between 1450 and 1750. By whom, in which contexts, and for what purposes was Europe made into a subject of discourse? Which forms did early modern ‘Europes’ take, and what functions did they serve? Essays examine the role of factors such as religion, history, space and geography, ethnicity and alterity, patronage and dynasty, migration and education, language, translation, and narration for the ways in which Europe turned into an ‘imagined community.’ The thematic range of the volume comprises early modern texts in Arabic, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Latin, and Spanish, including plays, poems, and narrative fiction, as well as cartography, historiography, iconography, travelogues, periodicals, and political polemics. Literary negotiations in particular foreground the creative potential, versatility, and agency that inhere in the process of Europeanization, as well as a specifically early modern attitude towards the past and tradition emblematized in the poetics of the period. There is a clear continuity between the collection’s approach to European identities and the focus of cultural and postcolonial studies on the constructed nature of collective identities at large: the chapters build on the insights produced by these fields over the past decades and apply them, from various angles, to a subject that has so far largely eluded critical attention. This volume examines what existing and well-established work on identity and alterity, hybridity and margins has to contribute to an understanding of the largely un-examined and under-theorized ‘pre-formative’ period of European identity.

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Kläger Early MOdern Constructions

Kläger, Florian / Martina Wagner-Egelhaaf (Hrsg.), Europa gibt es doch...: Krisendiskurse im Blick der Literatur.

Europa ist in der Krise, aber wann war es das nicht? Die Beiträge in diesem Band untersuchen die Rolle der Literatur bei der Imagination und Figuration Europas als Produkt von und Lösung für Krisen.

Seit Ovid in den Metamorphosen vom Raub der phönizischen Königstochter Europa durch den als Stier getarnten Zeus erzählte, hat der europäische Kontinent einen krisenhaften literarischen Gründungsmythos. Vom Rolandslied bis zum politischen Essay über den Kiewer Maidan, von der Bühne Shakespeares bis zum spanischen Gegenwartstheater wird Europa seither von der Krise her gedacht. Der fächerübergreifende Sammelband diskutiert die Rolle der Literatur als Reflexionsmedium für die Konstruktion der kulturellen wie der politischen Idee von Europa vor dem Hintergrund historischer und aktueller ökonomischer, politischer, religiöser und militärischer Krisen.

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Klägerv Europa gibt es doch


Vital Conjunctures Revisited —
Gender in Times of Uncertainty


Nadine Sieveking, University of Leipzig

Jennifer Johnson-Hanks, University of California Berkeley

Erdmute Alber, University of Bayreuth

Sie finden den vollen Text als PDF zum Download hier. (in englischer Sprache)

Workingpaper_Adaption und Kreativität_Alber

"Mittelklassen, Mittelschichten oder Milieus in Afrika? - Gesellschaften im Wandel"

Herausgegeben von Antje Daniel, Sebastian Müller, Florian Stoll und Rainer Öhlschläger

"Mittelklassen, Mittelschichten oder Milieus in Afrika? - Gesellschaften im Wandel"

Sie finden den Flyer zum Download hier.


"Antimuslimischer Rassismus dekolonial"

von Iman Attia & Mariam Popal

Das Argument - Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Sozialwissenschaften - 319 - Zur Kritik westlicher Islamdiskurse | Kehrt der Faschismus wieder?

Ein Exemplar der Publikation ist zur Ansicht in der Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies verfügbar.

"Antimuslimischer Rassismus dekolonial"

von Iman Attia & Mariam Popal

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Publikation Mariam

"(Re)Mapping Luanda - Utopische und nostalgische Zugänge zu einem kollektiven Bildarchiv"

von Nadine Siegert

Die angolanische Geschichte wird geprägt von antikolonialem Befreiungskampf und Bürgerkrieg. Seit 2002 erlebt das Land einen wirtschaftlichen Aufschwung bei gleichzeitiger politischer Stagnation. Vor diesem Hintergrund hat sich eine Kunstszene entwickelt, die einen Höhepunkt in der erstmals 2006 stattfindenden Luanda Triennale hatte. Zugleich ist diese neue Kunstwelt mit den älteren Künstlergenerationen in Bezug zu setzen. Diese Studie basiert auf einer sowohl ethnographischen als auch kunstwissenschaftlichen Untersuchung der Kunstwelt Luandas und spürt der Beziehung der Künstlergenerationen zu einem kollektiven Bildarchiv nach. Nostalgie und Utopie bilden dabei die konzeptuellen Zugänge und die drei Künstlergenerationen seit 1975 den zentralen Gegenstand.

Publikation Nadine Siegert
Nadine Siegert ist stellvertretende Leiterin des Iwalewahaus, Universität Bayreuth, assoziierte Teilprojektleiterin im Teilprojekt "Revolution 3.0" der Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies und leitet das Forschungsprojekt "African Art History and the Formation of a Modernist Aesthetic".

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"Zur Analyse soziokultureller Differenzierung von
Mittelschichten im Globalen Süden"

von Dieter Neubert und Florian Stoll

"Zur Analyse soziokultureller Differenzierung von Mittelschichten im Globalen Süden"

von Dieter Neubert und Florian Stoll

Sie finden den Text als PDF zum Download hier.

Publikation Neuber und Stoll

"academy reflects" #1 - Socio-Cultural Diversity of the African Middle Class - The Case of Urban Kenya.

von Dieter Neubert and Florian Stoll

Sie finden den vollen Text als PDF zum Download hier. (in englischer Sprache)


Mit Beiträgen von

Kroeker, L. (2016): The Kenyan Middle Class and Responses to Social Security.

und Neubert, D. & Stoll, F. (2016): Socio-cultural Diversity of the African Middle Class.

Sie finden den vollen Text als PDF zum Download hier. (in englischer Sprache)

Publikation_researching nairobis Middle class

Tagung 2017

"Deutschland verfügt im internationalen Vergleich über eine reichhaltige Vielfalt an geistes-, sozial- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Kleinen Fächern. Die vom Bundesforschungsministerium von 2007 bis 2012 geförderte erstmalige Gesamtkartierung der Kleinen Fächer an deutschen Universitäten dokumentiert, dass die Landschaft der Kleinen Fächer in Deutschland einem reichhaltigen und vielfältigen Biotop gleicht, auf das man stolz sein kann."

Auch die Bayreuth Academy ist in der neuen Publikation des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung auf Seite 14 vertreten.


Kläger, Florian / Stierstorfer, Klaus (Hrsg.), Diasporic Constructions of Home and Belonging.

Diaspora studies has developed in recent years from disparate enquiries into diasporic phenomena in political science, anthropology, history, geography, and literary and cultural studies. Its emergence as a full-fledged transdisciplinary research field has been predicated to a large degree on an interest in questions of dispersal and mobility. Based on the proceedings of an international conference by the Marie Curie Initial Training Network CoHaB, this volume undertakes to shift the focus to phenomena of home-making and the articulation of a sense of belonging in diasporic contexts. Contributors from a broad range of disciplines discuss a variety of historical and geographical instances of diasporas, exploring the methodological and theoretical challenges posed by the subjects of ‘home’ and ‘belonging’. Including an interview with Homi K. Bhabha on these subjects and the place of theory in diaspora studies as well as contributions by such central figures as Pnina Werbner and Ihab Hassan, the volume aims at offering a new prospectus of the range and potential of academic work on the cultural formations of diaspora.

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Kläger Diasporic Constructions

Fink, Katharina: Un/Doing Sophiatown. Contemporary Reverberations of a myth & in a suburb.

Sophiatown, the iconic suburb in Johannesburg, is at the heart of many narratives around identity and belonging. Sceptical of both concepts mentioned; the author investigates the multiple ways in which people 'un/do' Sophiatown - both as a myth and a suburb - in the present. The focus on heritage, image politics and on people's ways of making futures by creating references to a myth in everyday practices.

Based on the author's dissertation, the book sheds light on cultural projects
and exhibitions. And shares lessons about museology and artistic interventions
learned in and with Sophiatown.

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Alber, Erdmute, SOZIALE ELTERNSCHAFT IM WANDEL - Kindheit, Verwandtschaft und Zugehörigkeit in Westafrika.

Alber, E., SOZIALE ELTERNSCHAFT IM WANDEL - Kindheit, Verwandtschaft und Zugehörigkeit in Westafrika

Elternschaft kann je nach Gesellschaft sehr unterschiedlich gelebt und gedacht werden. In weiten Teilen Westafrikas ist es normal, dass Kinder nicht bei ihren leiblichen Eltern, sondern bei Verwandten aufwachsen – so auch bei den Baatombu in Nordbenin. Zwar hat sich die Praxis der Kindspflegschaft dort im Laufe des 20. Jahrhunderts tiefgreifend geändert, sie ist jedoch nicht völlig verschwunden. In ihrer Monografie zeichnet Erdmute Alber die Geschichte und Praxis sozialer Elternschaft von 1900 bis 2012 detailliert nach und liefert so neue theoretische Ansätze und Überlegungen zum Thema.

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Alber Soziale Elternschaft

Ahrens, Rüdiger / Stierstofer, Klaus in Kooperation mit Kläger, Florian: Symbolism 14. Special Focus Symbols of Diaspora.

Symbolic representation is a crucial subject for and a potent heuristic instrument of diaspora studies. This special focus inquires into the forms and functions of symbols of diaspora both in aesthetic practice and in critical discourse, analyzing and theorizing symbols from Shakespeare to Bollywood as well as in critical writings of theorists of diaspora. What kinds of symbols and symbolic practices, contributors ask, are germane to the representation, both emic and etic, of diasporics and diasporas? How are specific symbols and symbolic practices analyzed across the academic fields contributing to diaspora studies? Which symbols and symbolic practices inform the academic study of diasporas, sometimes unconsciously or without being remarked on? To study these phenomena is to engage in a dialogue that aims at refining the theoretical and methodological vocabulary and practice of truly transdisciplinary diaspora studies while attending to the imperative of specificity that inheres in this emerging field. The volume collects a range of analyses from social anthropology, history and ethnography to literary and film studies, all combining readings of individual symbolic practices with meta-theoretical reflections.

Infos zur Publikation hier:

Kläger, Symbolism

Bienbeck, Ricarda / El Naggare, Maroua / Fendler, Ute / Gilzmer, Mechthild:Transformations. Changements et renouveaux dans la littérature et le cinéma au Maghreb depuis 1990.

Les trois pays du Maghreb que sont le Maroc, l'Algérie et la Tunisie ont connu des modifications sociales et politiques importantes au cours des vingt dernières années. Ces changements ont trouvé dans la littérature et le cinéma un écho thématique et esthétique contribuant au débat interne à la société aussi bien qu'à l'émergence de nouvelles écritures poétiques et de nouvelles esthétiques filmiques. Les contributions à cet ouvrage abordent des conflits jusqu'alors tabou, des souvenirs et mémoires refoulés, des rêves et des utopies négociés de manière que cet espace entre écriture/lecture devient un espace qui peut lier le présent avec le passé et un futur imaginé. Un espace qui lie aussi la mémoire et l'oubli, les constructions d'identité nationale, culturelle, religieuse et sexuelle en rassemblant différentes positions, mais aussi en rendant visible des moments ou aspects invisibles, refoulés, cachés, niés, ou en créant des moments imaginés qui présentent une réalité différente, potentielle, à venir.

avec des contributions de:
Mohand Akli Salhi, Abdelaziz Amraoui, Ricarda Bienbeck, Isabelle Charpentier, Verena Domberg, Moulay Driss El Maarouf, Maroua El Naggare, Omar Fertat, Mechthild Gilzmer, Lamia Bereksi Meddahi, Birgit Mertz-Baumgartner, Khadija Mouhsine, Nahed Nadia Nouredine, Khaled Zekri.

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