Guests of the Bayreuth Academy in the last five years

Our Guests

Mr. Matteo Caravani

Inviting institution: Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies
Stay: 29. April 2016
Home university: Institute of Development Studies (Großbritannien)
Regional focus: Development Studies
Personal information: Dr. Matteo Caravani is a development economist graduate from the faculty of Economics, University  of Rome "La Sapienza". He was recently awarded a PhD in Development Studies at the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) in Brighton. He worked as an international consultant for the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) in Uganda, for the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) both in Palestine and Rome, for the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) in London and for the IDS. Overall, his research interests include livelihoods, food security, agrarian change, resilience and social protection mechanisms in Sub-Saharan Africa. At IDS he is a member of the Resource Politics cluster group.

Dr. Mattheo Caravani was invited as Fellow to participate in the TP 3 Workshop

Middle Classes in Africa – anthropological and sociological perspectives April 27-29, 2016 in Bayreuth.
 “The Ugandanization of Karamoja: Class and Patriarchy in the village of Lojom”

“Symbolic boundaries as an analytical tool for exploring middle classes in Africa”

He was furthermore a Guest Fellow from 01.10.2016 - 30.11.2016 at the Bayreuth Academy (Sub-Project 3)

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