Guests of the Bayreuth Academy in the last five years

Our Guests

Miss/es Josie Dixon

Inviting institution: Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies
Stay: 31. Januar 2014
Personal information: Project Postdocs

Preparation of Publication ?

Workshop "Writing and Giving Conference Papers"


Josie grew up in a small village at the foot of the Chilterns, in a household full of books and music. She spent most of her year between school and university in Peru, teaching children from the shanty towns on a tuberculosis ward in the Hospital del Nino in Lima, and travelling in the Andes. 

Josie gained a first-class degree in English Literature from the University of Oxford, and distinction in a two-year MPhil on English Romanticism.  While pursuing her graduate studies, Josie was also an A Level English Examiner for the Oxford and Cambridge Examinations Board. 

She began her publishing career at Cambridge University Press, where as a graduate trainee she started the Canto paperback imprint; she ran the literary studies list for many years and became Senior Commissioning Editor in the Humanities and Social Sciences Division.

In 1999 she became Publishing Director for the Academic Division at Palgrave Macmillan, in charge of a large editorial department with a publishing programme of several hundred titles annually, and was responsible for implementing a programme of major change in editorial strategy, staffing and systems.

In 2003 she became a freelance consultant, in pursuit of the necessary flexibility to combine her career with children, and founded Lucian Consulting in 2007. Since then she has built a wide network of over 80 clients in higher education and publishing, and gives lectures and training workshops  internationally. 

In addition to scholarly articles derived from her research on Romanticism, Josie has published essays and reviews in various publications including Times Higher Education, English Drama Media, and Oxford Today, and occasional pieces on the book trade and literary matters for The Reader magazine. Click here for a selection of articles relevant to publishing and research training.  

When not working, she enjoys time with her family, loves to go to Italy, and sings Renaissance music with the Cambridge Taverner Choir  and Cambridge Renaissance Voices.

(taken from

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