Guests of the Bayreuth Academy in the last five years

Our Guests

Miss/es Manape Precious Shogole

Inviting institution: Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies
Stay: 19. November 2016
Home university: University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg (Südafrika)
Fields of research: Anthropology, Geography and International Relations, Fashion and Poetry Anthropology, Geography and International Relations, Fashion and Poetry
Personal information: Manape Precious Shogole is working with the Bayreuth Academy from November 9th till 19th, 2016. Two things are in the focus of her stay: With Dr. Katharina Fink she discusses issues around fashion, the entangling of temporal concepts, as well as the impact of style and performance on inner city spaces in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Furthermore, as Manape Shogole being a poet and a host of spoken word scene in Johannesburg as well, she will contribute to the literary scene in Bavaria, acting as the Academy's annual 'City Writer' of 2016. With her attentive eye for questions around feminism, exclusive mechanisms of contemporary society's and the time-traveling capacity of literature, she will work on the poetic estate of a local poet, Hilde Marx, who was forced to go into exile to the US in the 1930s, after being persecuted by the National Socialist regime. Together with Dr. Katharina Fink, Manape Shogole will 'update' the topics of Hilde Marx for a contemporary audience. A performance of hers will take place in the context of the opening of a small exhibition devoted to Marx on the 13th of November, 2016, from 4pm, in Münzgasse/Bayreuth. More information

Manape Shogole holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Witwatersrand. She graduated with a triple major in Anthropology, Geography and International Relations (2015). Additionally, her training is inmarketing and advertising. Currently, she's finishing her Anthropology honours programme (2016) under the scope of South Africa’s socio-economic issues. The title of her research report is “Thrift Shopping and the construction of personhood.”. It deals with self-styling, body represention , fashion and the creation of self using second-hand clothes from the street markets in the Johannesburg CBD. Shogole teaches in the Anthropology department, working with first years students on topics related to ‘decolonialisation’ and ‘everyday resistence’.

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