Guests of the Bayreuth Academy in the last five years

Our Guests

Miss/es Dr. Inge Brinkman

Inviting institution: Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies
Stay: 04. November 2015
Personal information: After having finished her studies in History and African Studies, Inge Brinkman received a Ph.D. degree from Leiden University (The Netherlands) in 1996 with a thesis on oral and written literature, identity and gender in Central Kenya. She then worked at Cologne University (Germany) on a post-doctoral research project, studying violence and exile on the basis of fieldwork with refugees from South-East Angola. From 2001 to 2004 she was engaged in research at Ghent University on the relations between nationalism, religion and popular culture in Northern Angola.

        In 2005-2006 she carried out a project on the socio-cultural history of forty years of SNV Netherlands Development Organisation at the African Studies Centre in Leiden. Between 2007 and 2013, she was engaged in a programme on communication technologies, mobility and social relations in historical perspective, with as research focus south-east Angola, while at the same time co-ordinating the programme ( ).

       As of 2014 she taught at Ghent University on a part-time basis and carried out historical research within the Kongo King project (

       At present she is working as professor African Studies at the Department of African Languages and Cultures at Ghent University (Belgium). Her fields of research include: African literature, African popular culture, and African history. The themes of her research engage African literature, performance, popular culture, narrative, literacy and books in the wider context of communication and public debate in terms of cultural history. Geographically the focus is on Kenya and Angola.

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