Guests of the Bayreuth Academy in the last five years

Our Guests

Miss/es Prof. Dr. Marie Huchzermeyer

Inviting institution: Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies
Stay: 10. Juli 2014
Home university: University of the Witwaterstrand Johannesburg (Südafrika)
Personal information:
Marie Huchzermeyer's current research interests are as follows: - Informal settlement policy, with a particular concern about the post-millennial drive globally to eradicate informal settlements, the impacts of this on African cities, and persistent misunderstanding and miscommunication about what informal settlement upgrading entails. - Private tenement investment as a poorly recognised form of affordable housing supply in cities such as Nairobi. - Urban policies and strategies, their interaction with planning and rights, and implications for informal settlements and low income housing. - Theoretically, how Henri Lefebvre’s work speaks to these challenges in the context of growing urban inequality, and what this means for the underpinnings of urban planning and rights. Marie Huchzermeyer joined the School of Architecture and Planning at Wits University in 2001 following a research fellowship in London and her PhD from Sociology at UCT. Her role in the School of Architecture and Planning has been to convene an interdisciplinary housing masters, while also contributing to the Urban Planning programme and supervising higher degrees. She was acting Head of School from May 2012 to August 2013. She is in the rotating position of Director of the Centre for Urbanism and Built Environment Studies (CUBES) from 2015-2017. Together with Prof Mfaniseni Sihlongonyane at Wits University and Professor Philipp Misselwitz at Technical University of Berlin (TUB), she is co-principal investigator of the Wits-TUB Urban Lab project, a five year collaboration (2016-2020) funded by DAAD in Germany. She is grant holder of a Collaborative Postgraduate Training Programme project funded by the NRF (2017-2019) that involves PhD students and supervisors across the School of Architecture and Planning at Wits University, the Department of Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Venda and the Urban Futures Centre at the Durban University of Technology. Marie's research has covered housing and informal settlement policy across different contexts and from a historical, political and rights-based perspective. In 2004 she published her first book 'Unlawful Occupation: Informal Settlements and Urban Policy in South Africa and Brazil' (Africa World Press) based on her PhD. This was followed in 2011 by two further books: 'Tenement Cities: From 19th Century Berlin to 21st Century Nairobi' (Africa World Press) and 'Cities With 'Slums': from Informal Settlement Eradication to a Right to the City in Africa' (UCT Press). She has also co-edited three books, guest edited several journal special issues and contributed to housing policy debates through academic and non-academic journals as well as the media. Most of Marie's publications, including book chapters, can be downloaded from

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