Guests of the Bayreuth Academy in the last five years

Our Guests

Miss/es Dr. Nicola Ansell

Inviting institution: Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies
Stay: 13. April 2018
Home university: Brunel University (Großbritannien)
Personal information: After obtaining a BA in Geography from Cambridge University, Nicola Ansell taught secondary school geography for three years and then took a break from teaching and spent 10 months travelling and working in Africa and South America. This experience prompted her to begin a PhD at Keele University, focusing on the ways in which southern African secondary schools (generally fail to) empower rural women. Following completion of the PhD and a temporary lectureship at Keele, she arrived at Brunel in 1999 as a lecturer in human geography. During her time there, she has developed a deepening research interest in the impacts of social and cultural change on the lives of young people in southern Africa and in the Global South more broadly. She has undertaken research projects looking at the impacts of AIDS on young people’s migration; the ways in which education sectors are adjusting to the needs of AIDS-affected young people; and the impacts of AIDS on young people’s current livelihoods and future food security. Currently, she is working on two projects: one examining the impacts of social cash transfers (for instance old age pensions and child grants) on generational relations in Malawi and Lesotho and the other investigating links between education and aspiration in remote rural areas of Lesotho, Laos and India. She haa also authored a book on Children, youth and development (second edition published 2016) and launched an MA programme on Children, Youth and International Development.

At the Academy, she participated in the Symposium "Education and Visions of Future(s)" convened by the WG Education.

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