Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies / Academy / • Archiv / 2016 / Roundtable Discussion "Die Zukunft liegt in Afrika" and Workshop "Future Africa" in Bonn

Roundtable discussion "Die Zukunft liegt in Afrika" and Workshop “Future Africa” and “African Future-­making” in discussion (02.-03.06. 2016 in Bonn)

Die Zukunft liegt in Afrika


Roundtable Discussion "Die Zukunft liegt in Afrika"

Please find the Flyer here

Discussants: Prof. Dr. Joachim von Braun (ZEF), Prof. Dr. Jakob Rhyner (UNU), Prof. Dr. Achim von Oppen (Uni Bayreuth), Prof. Dr. Mathias Becker (Uni Bonn), Prof. Dr. Julia Verne (Uni Bonn)
Moderation: Prof. Dr. Detlef Müller-Mahn
Small reception afterwards

Thursday, 2 June 2016,
17-19 pm
Poppelsdorfer Schloss Bonn,
Stucksaal Meckenheimer Allee 171

Workshop “Future Africa” and “African Future-­making” in discussion

Please find the programme of the Workshop here

The workshop brings together researchers from two groups with related scientific interests: the interdisciplinary Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies with the overarching title “Future Africa: Visions in Time” and the research network “Future-­making in rural Africa” at the universities of Bonn and Cologne. With this workshop we want to contribute to three fields of conversation: first, between African and development studies in Bonn, Bayreuth and Cologne, second, the interdisciplinary encounter between social sciences, natural sciences and humanities; third, between academic research and development practice.

Organized by Geographical Institute, University of Bonn and
the Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies
2./3. June 2016, Poppelsdorfer Schloss, University of Bonn