Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies
• Archiv
09.01.19 - Lecture Prof. Lachenicht: "Future Africa?! Timescapes and the flattening of time in the modern era"
- 24.04.-26.04.2019 Workshop "Future Africa - Visions in Time"
- Call for Applications: 2019-2020 Fellowships from “Africa Multiple” Cluster of Excellence
- Call for Proposals - International Postdoctoral Working Groups
- Alle Termine und Veranstaltungen in den kommenden Monaten
- 05. Juli 2019 - PLURA beim KulturPLUS Thementag der Universität Bamberg
- Aktuelle Publikationen
- Icon Lab Teaser Video
- Africa Multiple - Cluster of Excellence
- 23.01.-27.03.2018 FAVT goes Namibia
- 29.03.-23.04.2018 FAVT goes Zimbabwe
- 27.09.-03.11.2018 FAVT goes Burkina Faso
- FAVT goes Cuba
- Yesterday night, 2.7.19, the Working Group "Rural Futures" invited to a session of the BA's format #communityacademy to Sübkültür, Bayreuth. Film-maker Ella von der Haide (Munich) discussed with Basil Ibrahams, Amiel Bize and the audience the topics of queer gardening and community gardening in North America. Queering as a concept helps, the audience discussed, to productively dismantle binarities such as 'the rural' vs 'the urban'. Members of the "Essbare Stadt"-movement in Bayreuth were present and grounded the conversation with local flavours - and invites. sIn this light, the session tied in excellently with the lecture given by Dr. Kupakwashe Mtata in the last week. Follow the working group's activities here or via our page: Pic: Ella von der Haide in discussion with the audience. c: Katharina Fink, 2019. Pic: Ella von der Haide in discussion with the audience. c: Katharina Fink, 2019.