Gäste der Bayreuth Academy in den vergangenen fünf Jahren


Herr Hamado Dipama

Einladende Institution: Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies
Aufenthalt: 00. 2015
Heimatuni: München (Deutschland)
Informationen zur Person: W G F conversations

Hamado Dipama is co-founder of the AK Panafrikanismus in Munich; as well as member of the Ausländerbeirat München. Born in Burkina Faso, he was involved in student uprisings against Blaise Compaoré; in the consequence had to leave the country. In a cooperation with AfricAvenir e.V., Dipama discusses the film „Capitaine Sankara“ by Christophe Cupelin. (http://www.capitainethomassankara.net).

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