Scientific events and panels
"PUMZI - Future, Fiction, Fact" Panel Discussion
Arndt, S. “Future Migration. Revisiting Concepts.” Workshop in Cooperation with the Future Migration. Network for Cultural Diversity.
Arndt, S. “Higher Education in East Africa”, Workshop in Cooperation with the Foreign Office. 2016.
Arndt, S. Foundation of Network “Future Migration. Network for Cultural Diversity”., Spokesperson: Susan Arndt.
Arndt, S. “Beyond Wagner’s Futures”. With Koepsell and DJ Spooky. Curation of sub-exhibition Future Africa. Visions in Time. Curated by Katharina Fink, Storm Janse von Rensburg, Nadine Siegert Arndt, Susan & Ofuatey-Alazard.
Arndt S., Alazard-Ofuatey, N., conveners. BIGSAS-Literature Festival: “Festival of African and African Diasporic Literatures” on “Remixing”, University of Bayreuth June.
Arndt, S. International Symposium: “Postcolonial Shakespeare. Origins and Legacies of a Global Narrative”, University of Bayreuth, October.
Arndt, S., Popal M. International Symposium: “Stuart Hall’s Legacy for Thinking Tomorrows Planetarily. Representation, Language and Postcoloniality in Posthumanism and Beyond. Workshop in Honour of Stuart Hall”, University of Bayreuth, July.
Arndt, S, Ute Fendler & Nadja Ofuatey-Alazard. International Annual Conference of the African Literature Association: “Future Africa and Beyond. Visions in Transition”, University of Bayreuth, June.
Arndt, S., & Nadja Ofuatey-Alazard. BIGSAS-Literature Festival: “Festival of African and African Diasporic Literatures”; on “Future Africa and Beyond. Visions in Transition”, University of Bayreuth, June.
Arndt, S. International Workshop: “Knowing Shakespeare. Manuscripts, Intertextuality & Fashion”, University of Bayreuth, January.
Popal, M. Certificate Course – “Un-Doing Images” in cooperation with the Department of Media Studies, WS 2015/2016, SoSe 2016, University of Bayreuth. Subproject IV of the Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies.
Arndt, S. & Ofuatey-Alazard, N. Organisation des BIGSAS Literature Festivals: “Festival of African and African Diasporic Literatures”; “1884-1904-1914 Literatures of/and Memory”, Universität Bayreuth, June.
Arndt, S., Gunkel, H. & Piesche, P. Organisation International Workshop: “Technology, Race and Diaspora, Universität Bayreuth, January.
Gunkel, H. “Documenting Interviews. A Film Workshop” with Djo Munga (Kinshasa, DRC), BIGSAS, Universität Bayreuth. 14 -25.6. 2014.
Gunkel, H., Rothemund, K.: “Kino Salon”, Zweiwöchig stattfindende Filmserie über “Movement in Film”, Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies, Oct. 2013-Feb. 2014.
Piesche, P. “Carving Up and Carving Out: Ideologies of Making Space”, Roundtable Präsentation mit Storm van Rensburg, SAVVY Contemporary Conference & Exhibition: “Giving Contours to Shadows”, Berlin. 24. – 27.6. 2014.
Piesche, P. “Feministische Kämpfe of Color in Deutschland Eine Chronic”, Panelleitung: August Bebel Institut Berlin. 20.03.2014.
Popal, M. “Outlook - (Germany’s) Future in a Globalized World” – Chair and Round Table Moderation with A. Babyesiza, BIGSAS Festival of African and African-Diasporic Literatures, University of Bayreuth .June.
Aus allen Workshops entstanden nachhaltige Forschungskontakte zu Prof. Kara Lynch (Hampshire College, USA), Prof. Kara Keeling (University of Southern California, USA), Prof. Alondra Nelson (Columbia University, New York, USA), Prof. Akosua Adomako-Ampofo (Universität Legon, Ghana), Prof. Raimi Gbadamosi (University of Witswatersrand, Südafrika), Maisha Maureen Eggers (Universität Magdeburg-Stendhal, Deutschland), Prof. Dr. Ottmar Ette (Universität Potsdam), Prof. Dr. Rinaldo Walcott (University of Toronto) und Dr. Wangui wa Goro (London, UK). On January 12 – 13th 2014, the sub-project 4 “Concepts of Future in Mediaspaces” of the Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies held a workshop entitled “Technology, Internet and its Effects on Diaspora, Notions of race and Conceptions of the Future”.
Arndt S. & Piesche, Peggy. Workshop "Anton Wilhelm Amo (1703-1750s) - Visions between Slavery and Enlightenment, between Europe and Africa". The Workshop took place on 22nd of November 2013 at Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies in the framework of Sub-project "Concepts of Future in Mediaspaces". You can download the programme (which includes the abstract and the bibliography) here.
Arndt, S. Workshop „Towards a Poetics of Yoruba Masculinities“. Finanziert von der VW-Stiftung. Universität Bayreuth (März 2013). Dieser Workshop, der in Kooperation mit Dr. Adabayo Mosobalaye von der Universität Ile-Ife (Nigeria) und Prof. Signe Arnfred (Universität Roskilde, Dänemark) stattfand, diente der Konzipierung eines VW-Forschungsprpjektes zur Repräsentation von Männlichkeit in der Yoruba Oratur. Dabei spielten Visionen von zukünftigen Männlichkeiten in historischer wie synchroner Perspektive im Mittepunkt. Infolge des Workshops erhielt Dr. Adabayo Mosobalaye ein Stipendium für die Universität Harvard, um den Antrag bei der VW-Stiftung zu vervollständigen. Arndt, S. Konstituierender Workshop „Media as Space for Future: Internet & Literatures in African Diasporas. Textual Representations of Future. Challenging Notions of Literature, African Diasporas and Web“ mit dem Ziel, grundlegende Forschungsfragen des Teilprojektes zu identifizieren, zu vertiefen und intensiv zu diskutieren, erste Einblicke in die einzelnen Forschungsarbeiten zu verleihen und diese öffentlich zu diskutieren. Es kamen mehr als 30 externe Zuhörer*innen in die Bayreuth Academy. Eine Publikation wird 2014 erscheinen. 01.- 02. Februar 2013.
Gunkel, H. 3-tägiger Workshop „Gender and Beyond“ für Doktorand_innen des DFG Programms 1448 “Adaptation and Creativity in Africa”, Januar 2013. Arndt, S., Bauer, U. Vorbereitungsworkshop: “Media as Space for Future: Internet & Literatures in African Diasporas. Textual Representations of Future. Challenging Notions of Literature, African Diasporas and Web“. Universität Bayreuth, November 2012.
Arndt, S., K. Fink “Britain and German Entaglements and Futurity. Richard Wagner, Houston Stewart Chamberlain and the Fictional Imagination”. (With Katharina Fink). Seminar, BA, MA and LA, WS 2016/2017.
Arndt, S., W. Donsomsakulkij: “Whose Planet? Whose Futures? Postcolonial Literary Studies meets Posthumanism”, Seminar, BA, teacher program (LA) and MA levels, (WS 2015/2016).
Arndt, S. “The Future of Literary Studies. Recent Trends and its Visions”, Seminar, MA and PhD levels, (WS 2015/16).
Arndt, S. “Forschungseminar: Challenging the (Future) Challenges of Literary Studies”, Seminar, MA und PhD Level (WS 2013/14).
Arndt, S. “The Future of Cultural and Literary Theory: Introduction for Advanced Students”, Seminar, MA Level (WS 2013/14).
Gunkel, H. “Radical Imaginations and Speculative Voyages.’ 2nd Year BA course, Department of Visual Cultures, Goldsmiths, University of London (WS 2014/15).
Gunkel, H., Rothemund, K. Wöchentliches Salonkino „Movement in Film“. Bayreuth Academy of Advanced Afrian Studies (WS 2013/14).
Gunkel, H. “Beyond Boundaries.” 1st Year BA module, Department of Visual Cultures, Goldsmiths, University of London (WS 2014/15)
Kläger, F. “Writing Early Modern Colonialism”, Hauptseminar Universität Bayreuth, Department of English & American Studies (SoSe 2016)
Kläger, F. “History and Identity on the Irish Stage”, Hauptseminar Universität Bayreuth, Department of English & American Studies (SoSe 2016)
Kläger, F. “Writing the Scientific Revolution”, Hauptseminar Universität Bayreuth, Department of English & American Studies (SoSe 2017)
Popal, M. “All around the Globe – Contemporary Novels in English”, Hauptseminar Universität Bayreuth, Department of English & American Studies (WS 2013/14)